Police Inspector from Aditya Borkar, Aditya Sadan, Indira Nagar, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Aurangabad, Police Station, Shivaji Nagar. Writes a letter to Aurangabad - 431001 complaining about the troubles caused by the noise of loud speakers.
Aditya Sadan, Indira Nagar
Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
Aurangabad - 43001
16th September, 2020
Police inspector,
Police Station, Shivaji Nagar,
Aurangabad - 431001
Subject: Problems caused by the noise of loudspeakers.
Respected sir,
Nowadays, arbitrary use of loudspeakers has become a common practice in civilian life. Although there are some rules related to the use of loudspeakers, people keep using loudspeakers till late at night, without paying attention to rules. The program of Ganeshotsav is going on in our Indira Nagar area. In this, songs are being played from loudspeakers till late at night. This has given sleepless nights to the people of the area. Sir, being a conscious citizen, I hope that you will take quick steps in this direction.
Thanking you,
Your truly
Aditya Borkar